1. DNS/out-of-bailiwick
"in bailiwick dns" で検索してみた。 https://lists.isc.org/pipermail/bind-users/2003-July/045082.html
the point is minimizing the number of servers you have to trust.
DJBが言い出した、というひとびとを見かけた。 https://lists.isc.org/pipermail/bind-users/2003-July/045075.html
I'd never heard this phrase before, so I had to go look see where it was used. Mostly by D. J. Bernstein, a bright guy who has trouble in discussing things without getting too emotional about them, so a lot of his good points get overlooked along with the bad ones. ;-] And he does have some good points; but by not being able to discuss them, he can't develop them as well as he might otherwise.
For both reasons, therefore, no RFCs.
The "bailiwick" of content DNS servers.
http://cr.yp.to/djbdns/notes.html の gluelessness の項目を読もう。
What is glue A and why is it necessary?
Passive DNS Hardening - Farsight Security Archive
2. JP での対応
JP DNS changed the way of handling glue in June 2004
- All of Out-of-bailiwick glues were deleted from JP DNS
- Before June 2004
- – JP DNS responds NS RR with its glue automatically in any occasion
- After this change made in June 2004
- – JP DNS responds NS RR with its glue only when the host name of NS RR is accompanied with the parent domain.
わかったような、分からない表現だが、現実の返答から推測できるだろう。(glue という言葉があいまいに使われている)
3. pdns
対応したのが 2011 年か。 http://mailman.powerdns.com/pipermail/pdns-users/2011-July/007939.html
- いつから、作られはじめたのかにもよる。 w