DNS/GNSについて、ここに記述してください。 https://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-schanzen-gns-01.html#name-introduction <> <> 1. [[/Introduction]] 2. [[/Zones]] 3. Resource Records {{{ 3.1. Record Types 3.2. PKEY 3.3. GNS2DNS 3.4. LEHO 3.5. NICK 3.6. BOX 3.7. VPN }}} 4. Publishing Records {{{ 4.1. Key Derivations 4.2. Resource Records Block 4.3. Record Data Encryption and Decryption }}} 5. Internationalization and Character Encoding 6. Name Resolution {{{ 6.1. Recursion 6.2. Record Processing 6.2.1. PKEY 6.2.2. GNS2DNS 6.2.3. CNAME 6.2.4. BOX 6.2.5. VPN 6.2.6. NICK }}} 7. Zone Revocation 8. Determining the Root Zone and Zone Governance 9. Security Considerations {{{ 9.1. Cryptography 9.2. Abuse mitigation 9.3. Zone management 9.4. Impact of underlying DHT 9.5. Revocations }}} 10. GANA Considerations 11. Test Vectors 12. Normative References Authors' Addresses