1. DNS/返答/NXDOMAIN/bortzmeyer


In this document, we deduce the non-existence of a domain only for
NXDOMAIN answers where the denied name was this exact domain.  

If a resolver sends a query to the name servers of the TLD example, and

Even if the accompanying SOA record is for example only,

The accompanying SOA indicates the apex of the zone, not the closest existing domain name.

[ドメイン名は存在するかもしれないが、zoneが存在しないことは導かれるはずだ] -- ToshinoriMaeno 2016-03-13 11:32:38

RFC-EDITOR: REMOVE BEFORE PUBLICATION: to use a real example today,

$ dnsq a anything.which.does.not.exist.gouv.fr e.ext.nic.fr
1 anything.which.does.not.exist.gouv.fr:
115 bytes, 1+0+1+0 records, response, authoritative, nxdomain
query: 1 anything.which.does.not.exist.gouv.fr
authority: fr 5400 SOA nsmaster.nic.fr hostmaster.nic.fr 2223408548 3600 1800 3600000 5400

Deducing the non-existence of a node from the SOA in the NXDOMAIN
   reply may certainly help with random qnames attacks but this is out-of-scope for this document.  

It would require to address the problems mentioned in the first paragraph of this section.

A possible solution would be, when receiving a NXDOMAIN with a SOA which is more